How To Add Music File To Website

Add music file to website

As You Know That we can add a Multimedia Object Like Audio , Video ,

3D Text , More Flash Graphics etc to our web page or web site . by Adding

The Multimedia Content , web page looks more Attractive , more Creative and

Spicy. If you Want to Add Music File on your Web page Than You Just

Follow The Below Steps.

Embed Tag

Embed Tag is used To Add a Music File on Web page . It Have Some

Attribute , Given Under The Following points.

Syntax : 

<embed src="music_file.mp3" loop="true">


1. Src : Here , you Specify The Source URL ( path ) of the File .

(A). Relative Path : Relative to the Corresponding .Html File

(B). Absolute Path : Path According to your System or any Specific URL.

Syntax :

<embed src="music_file.mp3">

2. Autostart : It Tells To browser how Music File is begin. it Have Two

Value "True" and "False".

True : Means your Music File Automatically start when your HTML File is

Loaded in browser
False : means your Music File Will not start Automatically , it only play

When Visitor want to start the Music using the media Player.

Syntax :

<embed src="music_file.mp3" autostart="true" >

3. Loop : it tells to browser how many times Music File Play. it have two

Value "True" and "False".

True : play music file over and over again Automatically

False : Play once and Stop.

Syntax :

<embed src="music_file.mp3" loop="true" >

4. hidden : it tells to browser whether or not hide the media player

To display on the Web Page.

Syntax :

<embed src="music_file.mp3" hidden="true" >

5. Width : Specify The Width of the media player .

Syntax :

<embed src="music_file.mp3" autostart="true" width="500">

6. Height : Specify The Height of the media player .

Syntax :

<embed src="music_file.mp3" autostart="true" height="500">

Ex :

<embed src="music.mp3" autostart="false" loop="true">

Explain : This Code Segment , Play The music.mp3 File . This File will not

Play Automatically , Have to start by the user but it Play Again and Again

Automatically .

Add File From External Source :

if you want to Specify your Music File From Any External Source

Like Youtube , Then Give The URL of your Music File in the src Attribute .

Syntax :

<embed src="URL of External Source" autostart="false" loop="true">

Example :

<embed src="" autostart="false" loop="true"">

This Code Segment play a File From The Specify .

Size of the Media Player

You Can Change The Size of the Media player . To Adjust The Size of the

media player , you add the width and height Attribute .

Ex :

<embed src="music.mp3" autostart="false" loop="true" width="500" height="500">

Thank You To All My Reader
Deepak Gupta

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